For Entrepreneurs | IFEL-Institute for Entrepreneurial Leadership
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For Entrepreneurs

As a small business owner, entrepreneur, or founder, we know that you wear many, if not all the "hats" in your business. We specialize in pairing business owners with the expertise needed to strengthen their business core, connecting entrepreneurs to networks of influence, and breaking down barriers that limit access to capital. Best of all, many services are FREE of charge due to grant support. To determine eligibility, complete the form, and we'll be in touch. 

Marketing Services
A business meeting

Get Help to Grow Your Business

  • Marketing your business

  • Getting capital ready

  • Legal compliance

  • Creating processes & procedures

  • Administrative tasks

  • Bookkeeping set-up (3rd party provider)

  • Government certifications e.g. S/W/MBE

  • Getting local/state/federal contracts

Women of Color Connecting 

Women of Color entrepreneurs and founders garner less than 1% of venture capital funding. Women of Color Founders who are on the grow-scale-exit trajectory can benefit from our innovative WOCCON--Women of Color Connecting program.  A series of events and hands-on, high-touch support are designed to bolster networks and connections that can help open doors.

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Online Course

Participate in Virtual 1:1 Small Business Support Sessions and Expert Talks

Take advantage of access to free professional expertise through our ongoing events; 

Business Support Sessions through the Verizon Small Business Digital Ready Program. A range of topics include: Increasing website traffic, competitive analysis, ramp up on social media, and more. 

"For me, I was scared at first because I thought I was going to be judged. I quickly realized that the connection we had, made me at ease and I felt elevated. They gave me pointers about my website which allowed me to open up to see my customers' perspectives... Overall this was a great experience for me, and I appreciate you all for making this available."

                                              - Melissa J.
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Ready to start?

A free, self-guided, 14-day program enables you to create a critical, foundational plan for building your business.

ready to grow?

Our Business Hackathons and Success Circles will remove barriers to growth and help you get things done!

Ready for capital?

Making of Black Angels Entrepreneur Showcase and Small Businesses Need Us Loan Fund help get entrepreneurs the capital needed to grow businesses.

Thrive Consulting

Rachel Theka, CEO
Thrive Consulting Firm

Expert Tip: "You are being the center of your own risk. Get someone to back you up in case you will not be available to take care of your business. Hire a VA, CFO etc. - a trusted one to help you eliminate business risk and keep your business afloat."

Almasi Accounting

Vexilla Konkobo, Tax Expert
Almasi Accounting

Expert Tip: "To be successful in taxes, record keeping is so important. Keeping your records regularly is ideal. If you don't take time to take care of your body, your body will take time for you. It would be a lot better to be well/mentally well to prepare taxes."


Check out our upcoming business capacity-building events!

Business Resources

Curated business resources to help you grow your business!

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